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Admission arrangements for BCP schools 2025-26

The Local Authority Admissions Policy 2025/26

We've created one single admissions policy for our community and voluntary controlled schools and a separate Policy for responding to requests for admission to community and voluntary controlled schools.

We're the admission authority for:

  • Burton CE Primary School
  • Christchurch Infant School
  • Mudeford Community Infants School
  • Mudeford Junior School
  • Somerford Primary School

The policy for these schools is the BCP Community and VC Schools Admissions Policy 2025 to 2026.

Burton CE Primary School is a faith school and families who are applying on faith grounds will need to complete and return a Supplementary Information Form.

Primary schools

All other primary schools in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole are either academies or voluntary aided schools. This means that they have their own admission polices. Click on one the schools below to go to their website and find out more about their policy:

Primary school policies:

Secondary schools

Secondary school policies:

All-through schools

All-through school policies:

The Coordinated Scheme 2025 to 2026

All schools in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole have agreed to coordinate the main entry admission and transfer process for 2025-26. You may want to look at the coordinated scheme to see how we process applications.

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