Safer Travel is a partnership between BCP Council, Morebus and Beryl to make sure everyone feels safer in and around our travel interchanges and on buses across the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area.
We’re also working closely with Dorset Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner as part of this joined-up approach, using funding from the Department of Transport for this pilot scheme across our bus network.
Transport Safety Officers
We want to encourage more people to take the bus and feel confident doing so and it’s vital everyone feels empowered to travel knowing our bus stops and stations are safer places.
We’re taking active steps to reduce antisocial behaviour (ASB) across the conurbation and have recruited BCP Transport Safety Officers (TSOs) who are on hand across the bus network, actively responding to incidents to make your journey safer.
They will help prevent ASB by using a 3-step approach: engagement, education and if necessary, enforcement, with limited but targeted police powers.
The TSOs fall under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS). Find out more about the police accredited and council delegated powers they have.
Watch our YouTube video about TSOs to find out more about this pilot scheme.
Enhanced CCTV
We’re also upgrading over 200 bus shelters with new closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras as part of this new pilot, which will be delivered in the coming months.
Bournemouth and Boscombe interchanges, as well as Poole Bus Station will also benefit from this additional surveillance technology, which covers the busiest bus stops across the conurbation, as well as the main boarding areas of the bus station and travel interchanges.
High-definition footage will be live streamed directly to our CCTV Control Room with continuous recording assisting the police to identify anyone committing offences or acting in an antisocial way to aid prosecution.
Report an incident
We rely on information from you to ensure our TSOs are in the right place at the right time, so if you witness an incident, are a victim of ASB or feel vulnerable, then please let us know.
Text ‘BCP’ to 81018 with details of the incident including the time, date, location and if relevant, the route number. This is a free text service.
In cases of an emergency, call 999 using the same details.
In partnership with

Funded by
We have received funding from the Department for Transport (DfT).