If you see graffiti, you can ask for it to be removed. Please report it to the correct property owner as detailed below.
Graffiti removal by property owners
Incidents of graffiti are the responsibility of the property owner and they should be contacted directly.
- Virgin Media boxes - call Virgin Media on 0345 6000 789
- telephone boxes - call Openreach on 0800 023 2023 and select option 1
- electricity boxes - call the National Grid on 0800 001 4340
- utility boxes - contact BT or Virgin Media
- railway structures - contact Network Rail on 0345 748 4950
- post boxes - contact Royal Mail on 0345 774 0740
- BT buildings - contact BT on 0800 800 150
Graffiti removal by us
We can investigate graffiti if it is on Council owned and managed property. This includes street signs, litter bins and our buildings, as well as in Council operated car parks. We prioritise removing offensive graffiti.
We are unable to clear graffiti from private property such as buildings, boundary walls and fence. This is the responsibility of the property owner.
You can report graffiti to us using our online form below.