We can act on smoke complaints from bonfires, log burners, wood burning installations, chimneys and flues at domestic, commercial or industrial properties, if the smoke is considered to be a statutory nuisance.
For the smoke to count as a statutory nuisance it must do one of the following:
- unreasonably and substantially interfere with the use or enjoyment of a home or other premises
- injure health or be likely to injure health
How to report a smoke complaint
To act on a smoke complaint, we need to monitor the smoke from within your home or premises. You will be asked to complete a bonfire diary or smoke diary for 14 days before we investigate, unless the smoke is continuous.
Before you report a smoke complaint you should try to speak to the person or commercial business responsible for the smoke.
If this does not solve the problem or you feel unable to approach those responsible, complete our online form to begin your report.
What happens if you report a bonfire nuisance
We will take all reasonable steps to investigate your complaint.
As part of our investigation, we will need you to the complete a 14-day diary sheet noting any times that you are affected by smoke.
You should only record the times when you are affected by the smoke, as opposed to recording every time there is a bonfire.
Your details will remain confidential, but may be released in the event of any court action.
When the diary sheet is returned, a case officer will assess it, and, if appropriate, visit the site to witness the smoke and contact your neighbour to offer advice on how the situation may be improved.
If the case officer establishes that a statutory nuisance ("smoke emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance") is happening, or likely to happen again then they can serve what is called an abatement notice. They will have considered several factors including the time of day or night, the severity of the smoke in question, and how frequently it occurs. An abatement notice will seek to control the smoke.
Failure to comply can lead to a person appearing in court.
Sometimes, the case officer, although sympathetic to the effect the smoke is having on you, is unable to say that it would represent a statutory nuisance to the 'average' person.
In such instances, an attempt will be made to resolve your complaint informally, or you will be advised to seek mediation or take your own action.
Alternatives to having a bonfire
There are other environmentally friendly ways to dispose of your garden refuse without having to burn it:
- composting
- garden waste collection
- household recycling centres
Having a bonfire
If you have considered the alternatives and a bonfire is still the best practical option for disposing of your garden waste, you should ensure you have taken the following precautions:
- warn your neighbours - lighting a bonfire can cause nuisance to your neighbours especially if it is a nice sunny day with washing out and windows open
- only burn dry material - this is likely to cause less smoke
- never burn household rubbish, rubber tyres or anything containing plastic, foam or paint - these can cause harmful emissions
- never use old engine oil, meths or petrol to light or encourage the fire
- avoid lighting a fire in unsuitable weather conditions - smoke hangs in the air on damp days and in the evening. If it is windy smoke may be blown into neighbour gardens and across roads
- avoid burning at weekends and on bank holidays when people want to enjoy their gardens
- never leave a fire unattended or leave it to smoulder
The law on bonfires
Bonfires are only illegal if they cause a nuisance to others and the person responsible fails to comply with the requirements of any abatement notice that we have served. There is a common misconception that there are byelaws banning bonfires or restricting the days or times when they are allowed. This is untrue.
Environmental Protection Act 1990
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 can be used to deal with people who act unreasonably and cause a statutory nuisance to neighbours. To be considered a statutory nuisance, a bonfire would usually have to be a persistent problem. If someone does cause a repeated nuisance, this may lead to enforcement action. Legal proceedings could be taken, and the person fined up to £5,000.
If we feel the bonfire is an isolated occurrence or insufficient evidence is gathered to substantiate service of a notice, you may take legal action yourself under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. However, you must be able to prove your case in court and therefore may wish to employ a solicitor.
Burning waste from another site
It is an offence to bring waste from another site and burn it, for example tradesmen bringing waste home and burning it. Whether or not they are causing a statutory nuisance, they are committing an offence.
Burning waste on a trade premises
If the bonfire takes place on trade or industrial premises then there is an additional power given by the Clean Air Act 1993 where the bonfire is giving off dark or black smoke.
Hazard to road users
If the smoke from a bonfire poses a hazard to road users, the police have powers to act for public safety. Call the non-emergency number to report the issue.