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Private fostering

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Private fostering means a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if they’re disabled) is being looked after for 28 days or longer by someone who is not a close relative.

Why people choose private fostering

People may foster a child in a private arrangement if:

  • a child is staying with a family in the UK for school or health care
  • a child lives with friends when their parents separate or divorce
  • a teenager moves away from their family
  • a parents is working unsociable hours and can't give day care or after-school care

Tell us about a private fostering arrangement in our area

People can't always tell when helping out with childcare becomes private fostering, so it's best to let us know about it. That way, we can make sure all the legal requirements are met and offer useful help and support to everyone involved. That may include:

  • visits from social workers
  • help filling in private fostering application forms
  • advice about benefits
  • help bringing families in crisis back together

If you have a private fostering arrangement or think you may be providing enough childcare to count as a private fostering arrangement, complete the form below.

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