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Volunteer for the Dorset Combined Youth Justice Service

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Being a Panel Member at Dorset Combined Youth Justice Service (YJS) means joining a team of friendly and skilled volunteers. We seek community members to support young people in completing their Referral Orders.

The main goal of a Panel Member is to help a young person make a contract, with the steps they need to take to improve their behaviour, avoid further trouble and repair harm to the victim. 

Panel meetings are usually held Monday to Friday during office hours, with some evening options. Each meeting involves two Panel Members, a YJS Case Manager, and the young person with their parent or carer. Sometimes, victims share their views before the meeting.

Panel Members use their communication skills to create a safe space for discussion and review the contract regularly to check progress.

Our volunteers get supervision twice a year, bi-monthly meetings, social events, newsletters, expenses, and ongoing training.

Contact us for more information about volunteering with Dorset Combined Youth Justice Service.

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