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Adult Social Care - What you can expect

In Adult Social Care we’re committed to being the best we can be and you can join us in achieving this too. Here's what we can offer you:

Personalised induction

You will have a personalised induction to welcome you in your new role working with us. This involves online and in person training, shadowing opportunities and mentoring support.

Flexible working

At BCP Council we want you to feel supported in striving to achieve your own work/life balance, so that you can live a fulfilled life. We support balanced home and office based working and flexible working arrangements, including the opportunity for full and part time roles, condensed weeks or fortnights and the option to purchase additional leave.

Safe and diverse workloads

We recognise that workload management is not just a numbers game. We will work with you to ensure a balanced approach to managing your work.

Continuing professional development

We encourage continued professional development (CPD) across all our roles, which includes a comprehensive offer of training and culture of reflective practice. Dedicated CPD time is available. We also work closely with partners including Bournemouth University which has a well-established pre and post-qualifying programmes of learning.

Quality reflective supervision

Regular opportunities are provided for reflective practice through dedicated 1:1 supervision with your manager and reviews through the year to ensure ongoing professional development.

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